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Five Purifan Business Starter Bundle Including Motors - for Waiting Rooms, Business and Offices - Includes Shipping.

Purifan, Inc.

  • $2,875.00

Ideal package for helping customers and employees stay healthy in your facility.  This is a bundle that includes 5 Purifan Allergen, Odors and Dust Control air purifier units and 5 sets of Purifan PA1 Allergy and Odor Filters.  This package includes Purifan’s Certified ceiling fans that are covered by the Lifetime Warranty if the customer only uses Purifan Certified Filters.  These five Purifans will cover about 2,500 square feet in a Waiting Room, Office, Call Center, Nursing Home, Store, Restaurant, Barber Shop, Hair or Nail Salon, Bank Lobby, Open Office Area or any Indoor Open Seating Applications.  The patented filters are disposable, low cost and typically last about 4 to 6 months in most office or store environments. They cannot be washed and re-used.  If a location has a lot of odors like a Nail or Hair Salons, Nursing Homes, Day Cares for Small Children or Classroom, the odor capture capacity may weaken faster.  Depending on the level of odor control, filters might need to be changed as often as every 3 months in those high odor applications.  Each 5 layer filter contains 3 layers of activated charcoal to capture odors and VOC gasses, and one .3 micron filter layer to capture small particles and floating moisture droplets that might contain virus based illnesses.   Each ceiling fan motor only uses  about 1/2 amp at 120VAC.This Purifan bundle includes shipping and a special bundle price of only $2,875. This is the only air purifier that comes with a Lifetime Warranty.  This bundle does not include motors or light kits, but motors and light kits are available for additional costs, and we offer bundles that include motors, or motors and light kits.  We also offer other packaged bundles set up for smoking applications for VFW, American Legion, Clubs, Bars, Bingo Halls, Cigar Bars and Smoking Areas in nursing homes, hospitals and other types of clubs, employee smoking areas and union halls.  Look in the store bundles for the smoking package if that is your application requirements.  Make sure you pick the color you want by clicking on the MORE info before you put the items in your cart.

Increases in supply chain and shipping costs have forced us to increase pricing on this product.

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